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23 September 2021 - 24 September 2021
Zurich, Switzerland
Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2021

What lies ahead in science for you? How can you pursue science outside academia? Do you have innovative research ideas waiting for the right collaboration? Come join us at the Career Development Day at #OILS21 to find out more! 

On this day, you can explore keynotes, workshops, and interactive poster sessions to learn about your fellow life scientists and what they are doing. Maybe you will find your next collaborator or a refreshed career calling.

We encourage Masters, Ph.D. students, and PostDocs from all Swiss universities and beyond to join us! This is an exciting day that will help you identify potential career options, learn to balance science inside and outside the lab find out what your colleagues are doing to initiate collaborations that can push your research further! 

Why you should attend

You will have a golden opportunity to practice your presentation skills by pitching your current research or a new research idea in an oral and/or poster presentation. Prizes will be awarded to the most inspiring pitches!  

You can attend workshops designed to help you advance your career by shifting perspectives:

  • Balancing career and family in science
  • Preparing for an interview
  • Mental health in academia
  • Social media and science

Keynote lectures from experts can spark new ideas for Open Science: 

  • Wearables, health apps, and data protection
  • Setting a global normative framework for Open Science

There are also networking opportunities to cultivate collaborations:

  • 1:1 Matchmaking virtual meetings
  • Onsite poster session with networking reception (in Zürich)

For more details (i.e. descriptions of workshops & keynotes), please look at the Agenda.

Closed since 24 September 2021
Zurich and VIRTUAL
Organised by
Participants 89
Meetings 28
Switzerland 95
Germany 5
United Kingdom 4
United States 3
Italy 3
South Korea 2
France 2
Belgium 1
Argentina 1
India 1
China 1
Norway 1
Netherlands 1
Albania 1
Total 121
University 73
Company 28
Other 11
Association/Agency 5
R&D Institution 3
Authority/Government 1
Total 121
Profile views
Before event 1045
After event 168
Total 1213