ETH & UZH Networking Apero
The #OILS21 Annual Conference is happy to host an on-site event with our partners where PhD students, PostDocs, UZH & ETHZ Alumni, and industry & start up stakeholders can come together for an evening of learning from early career researchers about the exciting life science research happening in Switzerland. It's also a chance to make new connections and catch up with old friends

For the safety of our participants and following UZH and ETH event guidelines, a COVID certificate of a vaccine, recent recovery, or negative test must be presented at check-in.
Admission can be purchased in advance by registering for the #OILS21 conference. There is an option for APERO ONLY attendance (30 CHF).
University of Zürich, Irchel Park Campus, Lichthof
Winterthurerstrasse 190/Y24,
8057 Zürich, Switzerland

Please see the Zurich Tourism website for information on hotels in Zürich.