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23 September 2021 - 24 September 2021
Zurich, Switzerland
Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2021

ETH & UZH Networking Apero

The #OILS21 Annual Conference is happy to host an on-site event with our partners where PhD students, PostDocs, UZH & ETHZ Alumni, and industry & start up stakeholders can come together for an evening of learning from early career researchers about the exciting life science research happening in Switzerland. It's also a chance to make new connections and catch up with old friends

For the safety of our participants and following UZH and ETH event guidelines, a COVID certificate of a vaccine, recent recovery, or negative test must be presented at check-in.


Admission can be purchased in advance by registering for the #OILS21 conference. There is an option for APERO ONLY attendance (30 CHF). 


University of Zürich, Irchel Park Campus, Lichthof

Winterthurerstrasse 190/Y24, 

8057 Zürich, Switzerland


Directions to Irchel Campus

Google Maps


Please see the Zurich Tourism website for information on hotels in Zürich.

Closed since 24 September 2021
Zurich and VIRTUAL
Organised by
Participants 89
Meetings 28
Switzerland 95
Germany 5
United Kingdom 4
United States 3
Italy 3
South Korea 2
France 2
Belgium 1
Argentina 1
India 1
China 1
Norway 1
Netherlands 1
Albania 1
Total 121
University 73
Company 28
Other 11
Association/Agency 5
R&D Institution 3
Authority/Government 1
Total 121
Profile views
Before event 1045
After event 168
Total 1213